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Vicky Lam

I am a second-year undergraduate Biological Sciences major at UCI. Under the guidance of grad student Vini, I am investigating the research question: What role do early temporal calcium dynamics have on the subsequent regeneration of drosophila sensory neurons following 2-photon laser dendrotomy? Currently, I am doing data analysis of calcium levels in calcium homeostasis mutants and tracing ddaC neurons.

When I’m not tracing class IV da neurons (which take a million years), I enjoy playing with my dog named Buddy. Additionally, I love playing video games and any kind of sports including tennis, basketball, and rollerskating (though I’m not very good at it). Fun fact, I underwent spinal fusion surgery in 2019 and now there are two metal rods and 13 screws in my back!


Vicky earned the presitgious UC-LEADS fellowship to support her work in the lab.


University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
Office: 4236 McGaugh Hall
Lab: 4444 McGaugh Hall
Lab# (949) 824-3226

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