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Sarah Hernandez, PhD


Sarah was a postdoctoral fellow with Leslie Thompson at UCI, studying Huntington's disease.  During that time, she was a visiting postdoc in our lab, in order to learn to conduct experiments using Drosophila models of HD.  Sarah was a member of our lab from Aug 2020 through Dec 2021.  She finished up her project in the Van Vactor lab at Harvard Medical School. 


Sarah became the Director of Research Programs for the Hereditary Disease Foundation in Jule 2022 (read more).


Sarah's work was published in December 2022 in Human Molecular GeneticsRead it here.


University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
Office: 4236 McGaugh Hall
Lab: 4444 McGaugh Hall
Lab# (949) 824-3226

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